Female whales reach sexual maturity at five or six years of age, and according to studies provided by the Patagonia Natural Foundation, the reproduction rate is one calf every 3 years, knowing that the gestation takes place in a period of approximately 12 months. , plus one year of suckling of the breeding and another of gestation, gives a minimum of 3 years for the next calf, having only one at a time. The calf receives the milk of the mother, through the expulsion that she does and not through the suction that the calf exercises, as it would be in our case.

Whale with its white calf in Puerto Piramides bay
The calf breastfeeds during the first year of life. This incredible sample of natural connection that humans have with all marine mammals brings us closer to observe them carefully and reflect that despite the differences, we have much in common with them.
While everything is developed under water. From whale watching boats, you can see how the calf receives milk from the mother, through the expulsion that she does and not through the suction that the calf exercises, as it would be in our case.

The calf receives the milk of the mother, through the expulsion that she does
The mother slightly raises the caudal peduncle, while the little one submerges and approaches her belly obliquely. During the immersion of the calf, it can be seen on the surface, the caudal fin of the calf or simply a swirl in the water.