What will I learn in the Punta Piramide Reserve?
In the Punta Pirámides Reserve, as I mentioned in other articles, the panoramic view is the closest thing to see infinity. A feeling of enormity surrounds me every time I look at an unmeasurable amount of water from its viewpoint. From there, see a 16-meter-long whale, literally discovering a tiny black dot in an endless deep blue.

Explanatory posters about some birds of Peninsula Valdes
Here I share a bit of information, which you can find out more about the posters that accompany the path to the Punta Piramide viewpoint, in a very short way, synthesize knowledge about the diversity of life that this desolate Patagonian destination is home to. When seeing the lack of vegetation, scarce of plants and trees a newcomer feels that there is nothing, everything is empty. A plain with shrubs, all the same, low and dry. But for the good observer, that nothing is full of existence, you have to tune the eye and discover the subtlety of steppe life.

Some species of flowering plants
The plants that you can see on the side of the route, are more than 300 different species, do not exceed 2 meters in height, but some of those plants are 50 years old. Adapted to the lack of water survive and decorate the Patagonian steppe constantly, some of them have medicinal properties.

Ostrea maxima fossil From Peninsula Valdes
The fossils that form the soil of the entire Peninsula Valdes, are clearly expressed in the walls that form the abrupt cut of the plain in its encounter with the sea. Cliffs of geological strata, tell us about past ages in these latitudes. Prehistory was full of dinosaurs many of them herbivores and tropical plants that formed dense forests. Some of the fossilized animal species found here are marine mollusks, this land also was an ocean floor, but they are species that no longer inhabit these gelid waters. Today they are species seen alive and kicking in the Caribbean Sea !! Tests that show us that the area was totally tropical.
But hey, that was millions of years ago. We arrived to witness the fragility of a changing, magical, powerful, mysterious and delicate world at the same time.

Colony of sea lions among cliffs full of marine fossils.