Whale Maternity in Puerto Madryn, El Doradillo
The weeks prior to the launching of Whale Watching Season, the amount begins to be more numerous in the 2 gulfs that form the Peninsula Valdes. Daily the number of whales in Puerto Madryn and the entire coast, up to Puerto Piramides is increasing. Whale watching in El Doradillo beach of Puerto Madryn The fallRead More
Conservation of the El Doradillo Protected Natural Area
Since 2005, María Cabrera is the head of Conservation of the Protected Natural Area El Doradillo. During the shore whale watching season peak from these privileged beaches, we take the opportunity to have a conversation with her. What is the Protected Area El Doradillo all about? The aim of creating a protected natural area at El DoradilloRead More
How to Reach El Doradillo from Puerto Madryn
The protected area finds its starting point at the coastal geographic feature known as Punta Arco, located about 12.5mi ( 20 km ) from Puerto Madryn. It spreads through an area parallel to the coast covering 1.9 mi ( 3 km ) wide and about 16 mi ( 25 km ) long, including Punta Ameghino, the popular dwelling place forRead More
Selection of videos Filmed in El Doradillo Beach
If a picture is worth a thousand words, a video is a whole dictionary! Enjoy these videos filmed in El Doradillo Beach during the whale season. The closeness of these huge mammals to the coast is evidenced in the aerial shots filmed from the drones. Images from a considerable height, also let compare the sizeRead More
Punta Flecha Observatory – Natural Patagonia Foundation
From the Punta Flecha observatory of the Patagonia Natural Foundation, located 66 ft ( 20 m) high, it is an ideal place to see them from very close and with the addition of being able to listen to them through a hydrophone that this foundation has installed. An interview about the coastal observation of the whale wasRead More
Patagonian Grey Fox
Patagonian Grey Fox The Grey Fox (Pseudalopex griseus), for the most part, lives a solitary and primarily nocturnal lifestyle. For refuge and for raising its pups it will occupy a cave built earlier by a Hairy Armadillo (Xenarthra) or other burrowing animal or in the hollow of a tree if found. They are territorial animals and willRead More
Where to sleep in Peninsula Valdes?
The best option is in Puerto PiramidesDel Nomade Eco-Friendly Hotel 21% tax refund Just with us! * Add discount with coupons and save money in your accommodation. Discount coupons We will gladly answer your question +54-9-280-463-5649 info@ecohosteria.com.ar Del Nomade Eco Hotel is located in Puerto Piramides, opens its doors at the best time of theRead More
Southern Dwarf Cavy
The Southern Dwarf Cavy or Brazilian Guinea Pig (Microcavia australis), is a mammal that feeds on sprouts of many plants and often climbs bushes and small trees to eat soft leaves. An enjoyable species to observe while the whales and Orcas remain below the surface. Southern Dwarf Cavy in El Doradillo beach The female will go into heatRead More