Guides of Peninsula Valdes
Guides of Peninsula ValdesMarine and bird fauna In these Guides of Peninsula Valdes that I publish next, you can know in detail about each animal of sea and land that visits this region of the Argentine Patagonia. Del Nomade Eco Hotel introduces you a guide about the most important marine species that inhabit our waters of NuevoRead More
What is the advantage of staying in Puerto Piramides?
Specifically, you would save at least 124 mi (200 km) of your life, every day. The distances in Peninsula Valdes are endless. Choosing to stay in Puerto Piramides will save you a lot of time, money and life. You decide the hotel, hostel, guest house according to your budget. But this is my advice. OfRead More
Photographers in season of Whales and Orcas
God breeds them ...and Puerto Piramides brings them together! Whale Watching season creates intense seasonal activity y Puerto Piramides and Peninsula Valdes. Waiting during the offseason for the whales to arrive and the possibility of navigating Golfo Nuevo in their presence wakes the adventurous appetite in all of us. Either by large Catamaran, small boat, orRead More
Southern Flamingo in Peninsula Valdes
The Southern Flamingo is a large bird, most often seen in flocks. They can measure five feet, are easily identified by their pink color on the outer feathers, their long neck, long legs, and large wings. The legs have short toes, which are also webbed, helping the bird when swimming. Male flamingos are larger thanRead More
Sea lions and their two colonies
In the animal world, leaving offspring is a necessity for the survival of each species. In mammals, as in the case of the sea lion, the harems that the males have are a consequence of the physiological and unconscious need to have a large offspring. The male can mate many times a day throughout the
Read MoreWildlife Calendar in Peninsula Valdes
Marine WildlifeRight Whale More than 2,000 southern right whales visit Peninsula Valdes. Between April and June, they begin to arrive and leave by the end of December. Peninsula Valdes is considered the largest maternity in the world for this species and other marine mammals. Magallanic Penguin More than 500,000 Magellan penguins arrive every year inRead More