• +54 280 4495044
  • - Av de las Ballenas s/n Puerto Pirámides, Península Valdés, Chubut, Patagonia Argentina.

The climate in Peninsula Valdes

The climate in Peninsula Valdes

Due to the maritime characteristics of the Peninsula Valdes, annual temperature variations are minimal, with the highs and lows in summer and winter respectively, rarely reaching extremes. Over the entire year, the average monthly temperatures vary only 50*F ( 10*C ), with a mean summer average of  64*F /46*F ( 18*C/8*C  ) in winter. In general, the

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When to see orcas in Caleta Valdes?

The killer whale season in Caleta Valdés is also unpredictable, between October and December the orcas visit the elephant seal colonies, searching for the offspring of elephant seals that are distributed along the coast. Spring, from the southern hemisphere, has the Peninsula Valdes flourishing infauna. The high season of penguins, whales, birds, elephants seals andRead More

Hotels in Puerto Madryn and Puerto Piramides

The offer of hotels in the city of Puerto Madryn and our town Puerto Piramides is varied. Peninsula Valdes, has these two localities as indispensable for the tourist offer. The first, a town of 85,000 inhabitants, located outside the Protected Area. The second, a small tourist village of 500 inhabitants, within the World Natural Heritage

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A historical record of the colonization of Patagonia

This image represents just one small corner of Patagonia, a landscape illuminated by the warm glow of sunset reflected upon the small chapel at Bird Island, a replica of the one that stood at the San Jose fort in an early attempt at Spanish colonization. Isolated and alone, set to one side of the visitor’s

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False Killer Whale in Puerto Piramides Bay

False Killers whales Puerto Piramides Bay. In May 2008 the Chilean Volcano Chaiten erupted, throwing a plume of gas and ash 15.5 mi ( 25km ) into the atmosphere. The predominant west winds dispersed and carried the ash east across Argentine Patagonia and eventually, as far east as the African Continent. The coast of Chubut, andRead More

The largest dinosaur skeleton in the world is in Trelew

By Museo, Trelew Comments Off

The Egidio Feruglio Paleontological Museum located in Trelew has a permanent sample of fossils and models that represent the different geological eras of the planet. The Mef is a center for scientific activities, with entertainment for the whole family, a space to travel to the time of the dinosaurs … One of the undisputed attractions

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Coastal Wildlife Network of Chubut – Rescue Fauna

Wildlife and Wildlife Organization If you find a marine animal on the coast and you think it needs help: Do not get close, do not wet it, do not try to move it or push it towards the sea. Notice, we know how to act! Facebook: @RedFaunaCostera Email: rfcchubut@gmail.com Recommendations in case you find a marine

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Roberto Bubas, Park Ranger and the Orcas

"It has been said that to obtain good scientific information one has to be coldly objective, register with precision the observations made, and above all, avoid all feelings of empathy towards the subject of study. It was by good fortune that I ignored these theories during the first few months in Gombe. A considerable partRead More

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  • Av. de las Ballenas, U9121XAQ Puerto Pirámides, Chubut, Argentina
  • [54-280] 4495044
  • Whatsapp +54 9 280 463-5649
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