How much does it cost to watch whales in Puerto Madryn? 2023 Season
This is a very common question, but incorrect. Whale watching embarked only from Puerto Piramides, a small town of 500 people within Peninsula Valdes, 100 km from Puerto Madryn. Puerto Madryn is a city of almost 123.000 inhabitants and concentrates the largest number of hotels and travel agencies that sell the destination as if whaleRead More
When is the best time to see Whales in Peninsula Valdes?
The whale season in Penisula Valdes is sooooo long. It begins in mid-April and ends in late December. The fauna is free to do what it wants, but it is incredible how its behavior obeys natural forces that tell it when to arrive and when to leave. It is possible that at the beginning ofRead More
What is the best time to see whales in Puerto Piramides?
In September, October, and November, Puerto Piramides becomes the fundamental base for whale watching. Whales, depending on whether they are mothers with offspring, males or females without breeding, have different behaviors. The females that calved, they are observed with the calf, much more skinny than when they arrived and the bigger and daring pups, they beginRead More
Selection of videos Filmed in El Doradillo Beach
If a picture is worth a thousand words, a video is a whole dictionary! Enjoy these videos filmed in El Doradillo Beach during the whale season. The closeness of these huge mammals to the coast is evidenced in the aerial shots filmed from the drones. Images from a considerable height, also let compare the sizeRead More
Birth of Whale, a photographic document with history
I want to document a right whale birth !!! It is a phrase that I heard my friend and colleague Luis Pettite say, during practically a decade and a half, many but many times. I must admit that although I consider myself optimistic, I constantly disarticulated his dream and told him, but that is very
Read MoreWhen can whales be seen in Puerto Madryn?
The cycle begins when they appear at these coasts between the end of April and the beginning of May The whales chose this coast near Puerto Madryn, as the most crowded nursery. Dozens of mothers arrive on this coast, to be with their young, the first months of life. Since the first one is usually seenRead More
Among the 10 best places in the world to see whales
According to National Geographic, one of the best places in the world for whale watching is Peninsula Valdes. It is good to be told by someone from the outside because it maintains objectivity that we who live here have already lost. Precisely because every day we are surprised by the number of whales we seeRead More
Seagull and the attack to the Whales
It can measure up to 60 centimeters in length, the body is white and the wings black. Gulls are present all over Patagonia, extending to Tierra del Fuego and beyond, as far south as the Falkland Islands, South Atlantic Islands, and Antarctica. They lay up to three eggs, nest and return to the same areaRead More
Whales photographers in Puerto Piramides
With each new whale watching season, national and even more international photographers discover, usually through the internet, the existence of this natural paradise, motivation enough for feeling called to the Valdes Peninsula. From September to December there are several of us, amateurs and professionals, which reencounter every year here in Puerto Piramides. Passion for theRead More
A little bit of history about Man and the Whale:
A little bit of history about Man and the Whale The Southern Right Whale is a warm-blooded living being that has suffered man’s industrialization of the world’s natural resources. For hundreds of years, they hunted whales, sea lions, and many other animal species, in order to use their fats, dissolve it to obtain the oilRead More