• +54 280 4495044
  • - Av de las Ballenas s/n Puerto Pirámides, Península Valdés, Chubut, Patagonia Argentina.

Commerson’s dolphins

Commerson’s dolphins

Dolphin watching from Playa Union - Rawson. Length Adult: up to 9 ft ( 2.70 m ) Newborn: 31 in ( 80 cm ) Weight Adult: 154 lb ( 70 Kg ) Newborn: 13.2 lb ( 6 kg ) They are considered coastal dolphins, although they have been observed more than 100 miles offshore. In the Argentine coast, theyRead More

Where to sleep in Peninsula Valdes?

The best option is in Puerto PiramidesDel Nomade Eco-Friendly Hotel 21% tax refund Just with us! * Add discount with coupons and save money in your accommodation. Discount coupons We will gladly answer your question +54-9-280-463-5649  info@ecohosteria.com.ar Del Nomade Eco Hotel is located in Puerto Piramides, opens its doors at the best time of theRead More

When can whales be seen in Puerto Madryn?

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The cycle begins when they appear at these coasts between the end of April and the beginning of May The whales chose this coast near Puerto Madryn, as the most crowded nursery. Dozens of mothers arrive on this coast, to be with their young, the first months of life. Since the first one is usually seenRead More

Among the 10 best places in the world to see whales

According to National Geographic, one of the best places in the world for whale watching is Peninsula Valdes. It is good to be told by someone from the outside because it maintains objectivity that we who live here have already lost. Precisely because every day we are surprised by the number of whales we seeRead More

Magellanic penguins

The Patagonian coast has many penguins throughout the extension. They vary in a number of members and species. Within Peninsula Valdes, there are 7 colonies of Magellanic penguins. the best known are two, one immense and the other small. The first is the penguin colony of San Lorenzo Ranch 46.6 mi ( 75 km ) fromRead More

Seagull and the attack to the Whales

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It can measure up to 60 centimeters in length, the body is white and the wings black. Gulls are present all over Patagonia, extending to Tierra del Fuego and beyond, as far south as the Falkland Islands, South Atlantic Islands, and Antarctica. They lay up to three eggs, nest and return to the same areaRead More

Brown Hooded Gull

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The Brown Hooded Gull (Larus maculipennis) gets its name for an obvious reason. Standing at approximately 35cm this bird has a distinct dark-brown head, combined with white and grey plumage over the rest of its body and dark plumage on the tips of its wings and tail feathers. Its beak, feet, and legs are red. According

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South American Tern

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The South American Tern is one of the 3 species of terns that nest on the coast of Argentina and is found in Peninsula Valdes. It is rather more difficult to observe that the kelp gull because it has a small population size. The breeding season begins in December and you will be able to

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Carbonated Sierra-Finch

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The Carbonated Sierra-Finch (Phrygilus carbonarius), to the untrained eye, is easily confused with a House Sparrow or Rufous-collared Sparrow. During courting behavior the male’s plumage will darken, differentiating it from the female. With their nest close by, we have observed a darker male in the sand dunes behind Del Nomade, flying from bush to bush

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Red Knot

Along their amazing migratory route of unimaginable proportions which begins in the Northern Autumn in the Canadian Arctic and takes them to the Southern extremes, only to then be repeated 4 months later as they return north with their offspring, the Red Knot (Calidris Canutus) and other migratory birds deviate from a straight line toRead More

Great Grebe

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The Great Grebe (Podicephorus major) is a coastal bird that is frequently seen in the Valdes Peninsula. Rarely seen in groups or on dry land, they are generally found swimming in shallow water close to the shore, alone or as a pair. The plumage is primarily rust colored around the neck with a black head

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Common Oyster Catcher

The Common Oyster Catcher (Haemantopus palliatus) is a bird that basks in the solitude of the Patagonian Coast living in a life-long mating pair, these birds are bothered by human presence. With a dark brown back, yellow eye and bright red ocular ring and a long red beak, they can reach a size of more

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Yellow-billed Pintail

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The Yellow-billed Pintail (Anas georgica) is a bird of South America. Lives from southern Brazil to southern Patagonia. He looks in freshwater lakes and occasionally frequents marine coast. It has a significant extent in terms of habitat preference. They can be seen on the seacoast of Patagonia or greater heights of 13.000 ft ( 4,000 m )

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Tricolor Phalarope

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The Tricolor Phalarope (Phalaropus tricolor), is a migratory bird that comes from the Northern Hemisphere and here they have winter plumage, but its name is due to the color that it displays with the summer plumage that you saw in the other Hemisphere. They can be seen in lagoons turning around in circles, they do it

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Southern Martin

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Southern Martin (Progne modesta) is a migratory bird that reaches the Valdes Peninsula in spring accompanied by its enjoyable song and normally observed in groups. This species can be observed in many areas throughout the American Continent with a migratory route that extends over thousands of kilometers. It is a bird that calls little attention

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Burrowing Owls

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The Burrowing Owl commonly excavates a burrow at the side of fields or by roadsides. Should the entrance become blocked for whatever reason, it will excavate another burrow at the edge of the field. The nesting season runs from October to December. The chicks hatch in 28 days. During hot spells, they can be seen

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Elegant crested tinamou

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The Elegant crested tinamou (eudromia elegans) is a species of particular compost, it is a trekking land bird, which is only a case of pursuit, a short flight, prefers the immobile and remains immobile, mimicking the vegetation of the place. Take frequent dust baths. We saw that the website of the birds of Patagonia and

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Patagonian mockingbird

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The Patagonian mockingbird (Mimus Patagonicus) is a bird native to America, has an incredible song for the melodious and varied repertoire coupled with an innate ability to imitate sounds. Its plumage is grayish pulling the ocher on the back and lighter feathers on the neck and chest, is a characteristic feature. It is common to

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Long-tailed meadowlark

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The long-tailed meadowlark (Sturnella loyca), lives in open places in Valdes Peninsula. In spring and summer breeding season, they live in pairs nest in the ground and the female lays 3 to 4 eggs. Here in Puerto Piramides, usually they perch on bushes behind the dunes of Del Nómade Eco Hotel. They feed on fruit,

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Scientists studying penguins

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Many Penguins that are seen in Punta Tombo, San Lorenzo and in all the Penguins have metal rings, with a unique number on one of their wings. This identification distinguishes them and allows to know the age and study them as the season's pass. Some of these specimens that are ringed have something over 35Read More

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  • Av. de las Ballenas, U9121XAQ Puerto Pirámides, Chubut, Argentina
  • [54-280] 4495044
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