• +54 280 4495044
  • - Av de las Ballenas s/n Puerto Pirámides, Península Valdés, Chubut, Patagonia Argentina.

It all started with a dream

It all started with a dream

Each Hotel has its history and Del Nómade Eco Hotel, has its own. A place to stay with excellent service and excellent facilities, within Peninsula Valdes, was the result of a personal challenge, which over time became a group project, awarded by its guests and the Association of Tourism Hotels from Argentina. My name is

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Del Nómade Eco Hotel

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Del Nómade Eco Hotel First prize in the first contest of Green Hotels in Argentina First prize in the first contest of Green Hotels in Argentina We invite you to know how we did it Ecological Concept  The origin of the demanding concept that we apply in Del Nomade Eco-Friendly Hotel is generated simply byRead More

Where is Puerto Piramides?

Where is Puerto Piramides? Puerto Piramides is the only town within the Peninsula Valdes Reserve and is the only whale watching port. It has hotels, houses for rent, apartments, hostels, and guest houses, to stay and restaurants and bars to eat and drink. Adventure sports are daily in the village. Trekking, kayaking, mountain bike, diving,Read More

Punta Piramide Reserve

The sunset, when dismissing the day, illuminates the Punta Piramide Reserve. With its last light, the sun concentrates all the power of that magical moment, in a privileged marine scenario. One of the few places in Argentina where you can experience how the sun hides behind the sea. At the same time, in whale season,Read More

How to get to Punta Piramide from our tourist village?

To know this Reserve that is only 3.1 mi ( 5 km ) from Puerto Piramides, there are 5 options to get to Punta Piramide, 2 for water and 3 for land. By water, it is with the nautical summer trips that turn into whale watching between June and December. In kayak with the daily summer

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Sea lions in numbers in Peninsula Valdes

Sea lions (otaria flavescens) are marine mammals that have characteristics common to other mammals, as basic as suckling their young or breathing air. But also like each species, it has particular characteristics, in its physiology and in its behavior. It has a varied life cycle, within the different seasons of the year. In December the

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Sea lions and the eternal pregnancy of females

The sea lion male can copulate many times a day throughout the reproductive season, with the different females of his harem ranging from 2 to 12 females. The females live in a different situation because they can copulate only with the male of the harém. The gestation period is prolonged and she can only have

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What will I learn in the Punta Piramide Reserve?

In the Punta Pirámides Reserve, as I mentioned in other articles, the panoramic view is the closest thing to see infinity. A feeling of enormity surrounds me every time I look at an unmeasurable amount of water from its viewpoint. From there, see a 16-meter-long whale, literally discovering a tiny black dot in an endless

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Sea lions and their two colonies

In the animal world, leaving offspring is a necessity for the survival of each species. In mammals, as in the case of the sea lion, the harems that the males have are a consequence of the physiological and unconscious need to have a large offspring. The male can mate many times a day throughout the

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Infographic: Marine Elephant in La Elvira Ranch

Infographics: Marine Elephanton the path of La Elvira Ranch The seal elephant is a beast of improbable proportions. In one of the largest colonies of elephant seals of Peninsula Valdes, Punta Delgada, you can read in the infographic placed by the Administration of Protected Areas of Chubut spectacular data on this species. In this articleRead More

The offspring of Sea Elephants

The marine elephants from the beginning of September until the first days of October, come from months of being in the open sea to give birth in the coasts of Peninsula Valdes. A gestation of 12 months that each female made concrete after a very unloving but forceful encounter with the dominant male of the

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The male sea elephants and their trunks

The male sea elephants are known for the enormous size of the nasal protuberance on their face. This trunk in the males serves as a sounding board for the sounds that emit, it ends up developing at 8 years of age. This elongated muzzle gave it the name of the elephant, because it resembles the

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The skin change of the Elephant Seals and the Satellite Tracking on the high seas

This species has the characteristic of changing the skin, the molting season begins in November and lasts approximately 5 months until it ends in March. In that period you can observe the animal with spots due to that natural process. Caleta Valdes orca patrolling an elephants seals colony Thanks to the technology used by scientists,Read More

What is the advantage of staying in Puerto Piramides?

Specifically, you would save at least 124 mi (200 km) of your life, every day. The distances in Peninsula Valdes are endless. Choosing to stay in Puerto Piramides will save you a lot of time, money and life. You decide the hotel, hostel, guest house according to your budget. But this is my advice. OfRead More

What activities can I do from Puerto Piramides?

The activities that are carried out are all linked to nature, and mainly to water: trekking, diving, snorkeling, kayaking, whale watching, boat trips, photography and activity that few know how to value: relaxation and abstraction of the material world.Read More

Is it necessary to have a vehicle?

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This is mentioned in another article, Puerto Piramides can be completely explored on foot. To reach the rest of the sites of interest, it is essential to have your own vehicle, rent or hire an excursion. There is no public transport, by the gravel routes, of the Peninsula Valdes Reserve. Without having your own vehicle,Read More

What can I visit from Puerto Piramides?

Puerto Piramides is the ideal place to use as a starting point towards the natural places that Peninsula Valdes offers, from here everything is closer. The first destinations when you enter Peninsula Valdes, are the visitor center Istmo Ameguino, and the Birds Island. A modern museum that provides the necessary information to have fun learningRead More

What fauna is possible to find in Península Valdes?

The fauna that can be seen in Peninsula Valdes is varied and numerous, each animal species has its moment in the fauna calendar. Since it began to protect this genetic reservoir, after having done incalculable killings of everything that moved, to bring to the brink of extinction several species of animals. This fauna sanctuary, everyRead More

Accommodation Promotion – Season 2019

21% tax refund Just with us! * * To be exempt from this 21% VAT...Per national law, a 21% room tax must be paid by Argentinean citizens. To be exempt from this 21% VAT (IVA), a non-Argentinean guest, must present a valid, original passport sealed at the port of entry and must pay with aRead More

Reserve your room

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Reserve your roomin Puerto Piramides[accommodation_listing_3 rooms_per_page="4"]Read More

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  • Av. de las Ballenas, U9121XAQ Puerto Pirámides, Chubut, Argentina
  • [54-280] 4495044
  • Whatsapp +54 9 280 463-5649
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Hola! Está buscando hospedarse en Puerto Pirámides? Responda a este mensaje escribiendo su e-mail, dia de llegada y salida y cantidad de huespedes. Le pasaré a la brevedad el valor del alojamiento a su e-mail.